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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - match


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English macche, from Old English gem?cca mate, equal; akin to Old English macian to makemore at make  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a person or thing equal or similar to another  b. one able to cope with another  c. an exact counterpart  2. a pair suitably associated carpet and curtains are a ~  3.  a. a contest between two or more parties a golf ~ a soccer ~ a shouting ~  b. a contest (as in tennis or volleyball) completed when one player or side wins a specified number of sets or games  4.  a. a marriage union  b. a prospective partner in marriage  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to encounter successfully as an antagonist  b.  (1) to set in competition or opposition  (2) to provide with a worthy competitor  c. to set in comparison  2. to join or give in marriage  3.  a.  (1) to put in a set possessing equal or harmonizing attributes  (2) to cause to correspond ; suit ~ed programs to local needs  b.  (1) to be the counterpart of; also to compare favorably with  (2) to harmonize with the jacket ~ed the pants  c. to provide with a counterpart  d. to provide funds complementary to employers may ~ the employee contribution — D. J. Miller  4. to fit together or make suitable for fitting together  5.  a. to flip or toss (coins) and compare exposed faces  b. to toss coins with  intransitive verb to be a counterpart  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English macche, mecche candlewick, from Anglo-French meche  Date: 1549  1. a chemically prepared wick or cord formerly used in firing firearms or powder  2. a short slender piece of flammable material (as wood) tipped with a combustible mixture that bursts into flame when slightly heated through friction (as by being scratched against a rough surface)
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  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a contest or game of skill etc. in which persons or teams compete against each other. 2 a a person able to contend with another as an equal (meet one's match; be more than a match for). b a person equal to another in some quality (we shall never see his match). c a person or thing exactly like or corresponding to another. 3 a marriage. 4 a person viewed in regard to his or her eligibility for marriage, esp. as to rank or fortune (an excellent match). --v. 1 a tr. be equal to or harmonious with; correspond to in some essential respect (the curtains match the wallpaper). b intr. (often foll. by with) correspond; harmonize (his socks do not match; does the ribbon match with your hat?). 2 tr. (foll. by against, with) place (a person etc.) in conflict, contest, or competition with (another). 3 tr. find material etc. that matches (another) (can you match this silk?). 4 tr. find a person or thing suitable for another (matching unemployed workers with vacant posts). 5 tr. prove to be a match for. 6 tr. Electronics produce or have an adjustment of (circuits) such that maximum power is transmitted between them. 7 tr. (usu. foll. by with) archaic join (a person) with another in marriage. Phrases and idioms make a match bring about a marriage. match play Golf play in which the score is reckoned by counting the holes won by each side (cf. stroke play). match point 1 Tennis etc. a the state of a game when one side needs only one more point to win the match. b this point. 2 Bridge a unit of scoring in matches and tournaments. to match corresponding in some essential respect with what has been mentioned (yellow dress with gloves to match). well-matched fit to contend with each other, live together, etc., on equal terms. Derivatives matchable adj. Etymology: OE gem{aelig}cca mate, companion, f. Gmc 2. n. 1 a short thin piece of wood, wax, etc., tipped with a composition that can be ignited by friction. 2 a piece of wick, cord, etc., designed to burn at a uniform rate, for firing a cannon etc. Etymology: ME f. OF mesche, meiche,...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сравнение; сопоставление сравнивать; сопоставлять 2) подбор; пригонка подбирать; пригонять 3) совпадение; соответствие; отождествление 4) согласование согласовывать 5) выравнивание; тлв уравнивание выравнивать; тлв уравнивать 6) спичка 7) шпунт шпунтовать 8) подбор шпона - color match - green-sand match - pattern match ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  to match in appearance ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) подбирать 2) равно пригодное 3) равняться 4) сличать 5) сличение 6) согласовывать 7) спичка 8) сравнимое 9) что-либо равносильное color match equation — уравнение согласования цветов match slot with — согласовывать щель с universal match machine — спичечный универсальный автомат - acoustical match - frequency match - impedance match - make match - match box paper - match exponents - match filling - match filter - match making - match marking - match strip - match the images - match up - safety match - strike match ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) согласовывать; сопоставлять; выравнивать 2) соответствовать 3) совпадение – match up MATCH гл. 1) подходить по качеству 2) сравняться • - match funding Syn: be equalized, become equal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) пара; подбирать пару 2) соперник 3) совместимость (при трансплантации) 4) состязаться; противостоять 5) спаривать, случать – complete match – partial match ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. спичка safety match —- обыкновенная спичка paraffin match —- парафиновая спичка to strike (to light) a match —- зажечь спичку have you got a match? —- у вас есть спички (огонек)?, не дадите ли прикурить? to put (to set) a match to smth. —- зажечь что-л., поджечь что-л. 2. воен. запальный фитиль; огнепровод 3. окуривать (в виноделии) 4. человек, подходящий под пару; ровня; пара he's no match for her —- он ей не пара they are a good match —- они подходят друг другу 5. равный по силам противник, соперник to be a match for smb. —- быть достойным противником кого-л. he has no match —- ему нет равного he's a match for anybody —- он с кем угодно справится you are no match for him —- ты с ним не справишься; нечего тебе с ним тягаться to find one's match —- найти достойного противника (соперника) he has met his match —- он встретил равного себе противника; нашла коса на камень 6. вещь, подходящая под пару (по виду, форме, цвету и т. п.) a perfect match of colours —- отлично (прекрасно) подобранные цвета; прекрасное сочетание цветов to be a good match —- подходить, сочетаться, гармонировать two pictures which are a match —- парные картины I am looking for a match for these curtains —- я ищу что-нибудь подходящее к этим занавесям I can't find a match for this glove —- я не могу подобрать пару к этой перчатке her purse and shoes were a good match —- ее сумка и...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) спичка; to strike a match - зажечь спичку  2) mil. запальный фитиль; огнепровод II  1. noun  1) человек/вещь, подходящие под пару; ровня; пара; he has no match - ему нет равного  2) состязание, матч  3) равносильный, достойный противник; he is more than a match for me - он сильнее (искуснее и т.п.) меня; - meet ones match - find ones match  4) брак, партия; he (she) is a good match - он (она) хорошая партия; - make a match  2. v.  1) подбирать под пару, под стать; сочетать; a well (an ill) matched couple - хорошая (плохая) пара  2) подходить (под пару), соответствовать (тж. matchup); these colours dont match - эти цвета плохо сочетаются, не гармонируют; a bonnet with ribbons to match - шляпа с подобранными к ней (в тон) лентами  3) противопоставлять; to match ones strength against somebody elses - помериться силами с кем-л.  4) противостоять; состязаться (against/with); In his youth, he was matched against some of the most famous fighters of his day  5) женить; выдавать замуж; (со)сватать (with); I should be pleased to match my daughter with your son, so that we could become even closer friends  6) tech. подгонять; выравнивать  7) rare спаривать, случать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (matches, matching, matched) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A match is an organized game of football, tennis, cricket, or some other sport. (mainly BRIT) He was watching a football match... France won the match 28-19. = game N-COUNT 2. A match is a small wooden stick with a substance on one end that produces a flame when you rub it along the rough side of a matchbox. ...a packet of cigarettes and a box of matches. N-COUNT 3. If something of a particular colour or design matches another thing, they have the same colour or design, or have a pleasing appearance when they are used together. Her nails were painted bright red to match her dress... All the chairs matched... You don’t have to match your lipstick exactly to your outfit... Mix and match your tableware and textiles from the new Design House collection. V-RECIP: V n, pl-n V, V n to/with n, V pl-n • Match up means the same as match. The pillow cover can match up with the sheets... Because false eyelashes come in various lengths and shades, it’s so easy to match them up with your own. PHRASAL VERB: V P with/to n, V n P with/to n 4. If something such as an amount or a quality matches with another amount or quality, they are both the same or equal. If you match two things, you make them the same or equal. Their strengths in memory and spatial skills matched... Our value system does not match with their value system. ...efforts to match demand with supply by building new schools. V-RECIP: pl-n V, V with n, V n with n, also V pl-n 5. If one thing matches another, they are connected or suit each other in some way. The students are asked to match the books with the authors... It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers... The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched... Pictures of road signs are matched with their Highway Code meanings. V-RECIP: V n with/to n, V pl-n, pl-n V, be V-ed with n • Match up means the same as match. The consultant...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FIRE« a small wooden or paper stick, used to light a fire, cigarette etc  (a box of matches | strike a match (=rub a match against a surface to produce a flame) | put a match to (=make something burn by using a match))  (I tore up the letter and put a match to it.) 2 »GAME« especially BrE an organized sports event between two teams or people  (a violent incident during Chelsea's match against Liverpool | a cricket match) 3 »COLOURS/PATTERNS« something that is the same colour or pattern as something else, or looks attractive with it + for  (That shirt's a perfect match for your blue skirt.) 4 be more than a match for to be much stronger, cleverer etc than an opponent 5 be no match for to be much less strong, clever etc than an opponent  (Carlos was no match for the champion.) 6 a slanging/shouting match a loud angry argument in which two people insult each other 7 be a perfect match if two people who love each other are a perfect match, they are very suitable for each other 8 make a good match old-fashioned to marry a suitable person 9 »SUITABILITY« a situation in which something is suitable for something else, so that the two things work together successfully + between  (We need to establish a match between students' needs and teaching methods.)  (- see also meet your match meet1 (15), mix and match mix1 (7)) ~2 v 1 »LOOK GOOD TOGETHER« if one thing matches another, or if two things match, they look attractive together because they have a similar colour, pattern etc  (The towels match the color of the bathroom tiles. | sth to match (=something which matches))  (a dining table with four chairs to match)  (- see also matching, -see fit1) 2 »LOOK THE SAME« if one thing matches another or if two things match, they look the same  (Your socks don't match.) 3 »SEEM THE SAME« if two reports or pieces of information match, or if one matches the other, there is no important difference between them  (The witnesses' stories just didn't match. | Traces of blood on the knife matched the suspect's...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Medicine Angel Team Charity Hut educ. abbr. Multilevel Approach To Community Health firm name abbr. Management Advice And Training Center Holland ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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